This story has been sent to us by an Anonymous Kurin Tita from the US. Read how she coped living without Kurin in her household!
I have been a Kurin user since 2018, and since then, my view of cleaners changed. I told my whole family how amazed I was to use this product, and they share the same sentiment. Kurin became my real and true go-to cleaner.
But when 2020 came, we had to move to the US.
It took a while for me and my small family to adjust, especially with the new setup. I brought a few bottles of Kurin along to remind me of my home in the Philippines.
With Kurin on hand, cleaning wasn't a big adjustment for us while we were starting our new life. Cleaning easily and effortlessly with the cleaner of my choice - Kurin actually helped me relieve some worries and anxieties.
Until the dreaded day came—I ran out!
We tried different cleaners, which were very overwhelming! It made me miss how easy it was to clean 3-4 things with just one bottle of Kurin.
Then I realized why I missed Kurin so much:
From 1 Bathroom Cleaner to 3 different products
It became tiring to switch between 3 different cleaners for our toilet, bathtub, and glass fixtures. All their scents combined made me really dizzy.
Kurin’s odorless feature
For me, Kurin did what no cleaner has done before, which was remove foul odors. I super love the fact that it does not fake the smell of clean.
Cleaning became more challenging
My toddler loves to follow me around and touch what I touch— do everything that I do. What I missed about Kurin is that it’s so safe to use that I don’t worry about using it near her.
When it came to my Kitchen countertops, it was a struggle to remove annoying residues without Kurin.
Storing multiple cleaners is a nightmare!
To the mommies out there, I’m sure you can relate to having an active toddler who loves to explore. With other cleaners, I have to make extra sure to secure them so my toddler won’t reach them. My gosh.
Thanks to my friends, I now have lots of supplies of Kurin! Cleaning became so easy and effortless again! I have more time to do my other chores and more quality time with my little family. Thank you Kurin for existing, and making my mom life more safe and efficient.
Do you have your own Kurin story to share? Send us a submission by sending us a message on Instagram or Facebook!